Epistles from the GOC hierarchy

Third Video Message of Metropolitan Demetrius to the Faithful
Metropolitan Demetrius of America addresses the flock a third time encouraging them to pray in their homes if they are not able to get to church; and on prayers “for those who are absent with a reasonable cause.”

On the Second Coming of Christ ~ Ignatius Brianchaninov
The Son of man shall come in His glory ~ (Mt. 25:31) Beloved brethren! Not long ago, we beheld our Lord Jesus Christ born in the manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in the cradle, having taken upon Himself with His humanity all human weakness other than sin. Not long ago, […]

Prayer to the Holy Fathers of Optina
by Anonymous O divine community of holy fathers, ye God-bearing elders of Optina, in the angelic life ye have shone forth upon the earth and are glorified in the heavenly city! We know that in the days of your earthly service no one departed from you empty and disconsolate, for […]

Akathist for Holy Communion
by Unknown An akathist to be read as part of the prayers said in preparation for Holy Communion. Kontakion I Chosen Bridegroom of our hearts and souls, through Thine incarnation and death on the cross Thou hast betrothed all mankind to Thysclf forever and hast given us as a pledge […]

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos
by St Nikolai of Ohrid and Zhicha Waves of passion disturb my spirit, great sadness and anguish have overwhelmed my soul. Embalm my soul with Thy Son’s peace, O Most Holy One, and by His Grace drive away every doubt and despair. Calm the storm of my sins that, like […]

Prayer for Enemies
by Unknown (traditional) Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst command us to love our enemies, and those who defame and injure us, and to pray for them and forgive them; Who Thyself didst pray for Thine enemies, who crucified Thee: grant us, we pray, the spirit of Christian reconciliation and meekness, […]

The Morning Prayer of Philaret Metropolitan of Moscow
Lord, let me accept calmly all that this day might bring me and let me devote myself completely to Your sacred will. Direct me and help me each hour of this day. Control my thoughts and feelings in all my deeds and words. When unpredictable circumstances arise, do not let […]

A Prayer for Children
by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich All-plenteous Lord Jesus Christ, Who was once even Thyself a child and Who used to love and bless children, have mercy upon the children of our time, and save them – so that unbaptized children may be baptized, and so that baptized children may be strengthened […]

Prayers Before Mealtime
by Unknown (traditional) The normal prayers before meals according to the Russian Orthodox tradition. The troparion of the feast may also be used in conjunction with the blessing. Before Breakfast O Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us! Lord, cleanse us from our sins! Master, pardon our transgressions! Holy One, […]

Confession: From an Athonite Pamphlet by An Athonite
This is a prayer that can be said in preparation for confession. Bless me, O Lord and my Saviour, to confess to Thee not only with words but with bitter tears as well. There is much to weep for… My faith in Thee is shaken, O Lord! The thoughts of […]
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