Orthodox Christianity & Theology


Indication of the Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven by St. Innocent Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of America

St. Innocent’s book “Indication of the Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven” was originally written in Aleut in 1833, as part of the missionary endeavours of St. Innocent in North America. Later, it was translated into Russian and was immensely popular, resulting in forty-six editions between 1839 and 1855. In […]


The Miraculous and Prophetic Vision of St. John of Kronstadt

A remarkable prophecy of the future persecutions of the Russian Church and the apocalyptic ascent of Antichrist. The Holy and Righteous John of Kronstadt recalled this vision which he hadin January of 1901: After evening prayers I laid down to rest a little in my dimly lit cell since I […]


Commentary On Apocalypse by St. Victorinus

An ecclesiastical writer who flourished about 270, and who suffered martyrdom probably in 303, under Diocletian. His commentary on Apocalypse is a sound, fundamental, exegesis for understanding this exceedingly symbolic book. He was bishop of the City of Pettau (Petabium, Poetovio), on the Drave, in Styria (Austria); hence his surname […]


An Appeal to Renounce Obstinacy and Schism by St. Clement of Rome

The words of St. Clement, who wrote to the disrupted Church of Corinth, can also be applied to the sad situation of the Orthodox Church, wherein many have risen up against their elders, living and departed, and tried to seize control of the Church and pervert it to their own […]


What Was Christ Writing on the Ground? by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich

“He wanted to remind them that while they carried the burden of their own transgressions, they shouldn’t be strict judges of the transgressions of others. This alone did the Lord desire. And when this was done, the dust was again smoothed over, and that which was written disappeared.” Once, the […]


How to Read the Bible and why by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

The Bible is in a sense a biography of God in this world. In it the Indescribable One has in a sense described Himself. The Holy Scriptures of the New Testament are a biog­raphy of the incarnate God in this world. In them it is related how God, in order […]


The Mystery of Knowledge by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

Man has always been fascinated by ultimate things–life, death, the origin of the world–and his discoveries in other fields of knowledge have given him confidence to assume that some day these mysteries will also yield to the power of his intellect. Such pride of mind, however, can only lead away […]


From Time to Eternity, the Internal Mission of Our Church by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

Fr. Justin Popovich, the renowned Serbian theologian, was a great friend of the Russian Church Abroad. A patristic scholar, poet and true philosopher, who had command of several languages, he devoted his many talents to defending the Faith against ecumenism-for which he was called “the conscience of the Serbian Church”-and […]


Answers to Questions by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich

“You are an experienced gardener, and you know how much work is required to grow even one vegetable. You wouldn’t leave even one plant without some attention. How, then, can we not labor on our soul, our unique treasure, which the grave itself cannot destroy?” I. To a nun who […]


What do we mean by the word ORTHODOX by St John Maximovich

SHORTLY AFTER THE DOCTRINE of Christ began to be propagated among the Gentiles, the followers of Christ in Antioch began to be called Christians (Acts XI:26). The word “Christian” indicated that those who bore this name belonged to Christ-belonged in the sense of devotion to Christ and his Doctrine. From […]