Blog Posts

Update and Photos: Honouring the Sanctity of St. Ioasaph of Edmonton and Buenos Aires
On the weekend of July 20-21, 2024, the faithful gathered to honour the sanctity of a great saint of the Americas, St. Ioasaph of Edmonton and Buenos Aires. Services were held at St. Vladimir’s Russo Greek Orthodox Church in Edmonton, Alberta. His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius of America attended along with […]

Pascha 2016 ~ Photos
A few photos from our Pascha celebrations ~ 2016

Sermon from the Consecration Liturgy of the New ROCOR Church in New York
Sermon of Archbishop Sophrony, Delivered during the Consecration of the New ROCA church in Mountain View, NY. July 21, 2013 (Russian Below) Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! I would like to preserve this feeling throughout the entire Liturgy, that we are celebrating a Paschal service, that Christ is with us, […]
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