Update and Photos: Honouring the Sanctity of St. Ioasaph of Edmonton and Buenos Aires

On the weekend of July 20-21, 2024, the faithful gathered to honour the sanctity of a great saint of the Americas, St. Ioasaph of Edmonton and Buenos Aires. Services were held at St. Vladimir’s Russo Greek Orthodox Church in Edmonton, Alberta. His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius of America attended along with His Eminence Metropolitan Moses of Toronto, His Eminence Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland, and His Grace Bishop Benedict of Astoria.

Metropolitan Demetrius presented the parish with a large hand-painted icon of St. Ioasaph, who established the St. Vladimir’s parish in the 1930s and built part of the church, residing there until he was sent to Argentina in the 1950s.

On July 22, Abbess Amvrosia and her sisterhood hosted the faithful at the Holy Protection Convent near Bluffton, Alberta. Visitors were able to see the log church that St. Ioasaph built on the property and learn about the history of the convent.

A brief life of St. Ioasaph, originally published in Orthodox Word, is available here.


Portrait of St. Ioasaph
Before the Vigil service
Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
New hand-painted icon being presented during Vespers
new icon
New hand-painted icon being presented during Vespers
hand-painted icon
St. Ioasaph of Edmonton and Buenos Aires
Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
Eis polla eti despota
Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
Church built by St. Ioasaph at the Holy Protection Convent
Akathist to St. Ioasaph. Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
Memorial service for Bishop Savvas of Edmonton. Photo Credit: St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary


If you would like to make a donation in honour of St. Ioasaph, you may send it via etransfer or through our PayPal page.


Services were live-streamed on July 20 and July 21 via YouTube. Recordings are available below.

Recording of the Vigil Service on Saturday, July 20


Recording of the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 21