Epistles from the GOC hierarchy

Keeping The Faith – A Lenten Message by Metropolitan Demetrius, 2020
In this short video, Metropolitan Demetrius (G.O.C.) of America sends a message to the faithful concerning the coronavirus stressing that although it is necessary for us to take all the proper precautions to assure that we do not contract the virus by lack of cleanliness, Holy Communion is the mystery […]

Metropolitan Demetrius visits for our parish feast day
This year’s celebration of Saint Vladimir was made even more festive with a visit from our Bishop His Grace Metropolitan Demetrius of North and South America (G.O.C.) Below are a few photos taken during the services and a link to a video of an impromptu question/answer session after the meal […]

Sermon of Metropolitan Demetrius delivered at the Saint Nicholas Mission, Las Vegas, NV Oct. 1, 2017
The weekend of Sept. 30 to Oct. 1 (n.s.), His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius travelled to Las Vegas, Nevada, to visit the St. Nicholas Mission and V. Rev. Archpriest Elias Warnke, the guardian of the Holy Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas. Hierodeacon Benedict accompanied His Eminence. The parish in Las Vegas […]

Sermon by Metropolitan Demetrios during his Pastoral visit November 27, 2016
During his first visit to our parish His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrios gave an inspiring sermon during the Divine Liturgy.

Sermon from the Consecration Liturgy of the New ROCOR Church in New York
Sermon of Archbishop Sophrony, Delivered during the Consecration of the New ROCA church in Mountain View, NY. July 21, 2013 (Russian Below) Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! I would like to preserve this feeling throughout the entire Liturgy, that we are celebrating a Paschal service, that Christ is with us, […]
Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas Comes to Alberta, Canada
Miraculous and Holy Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas Comes to Alberta, Canada During the week of the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the ROCA parish of St. Vladimir in Edmonton, Alberta, was blessed to receive a visit from the Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas, brought […]
Parish life ~ Helping each other
One of the greatest pleasures of parish life… An expression of our bond as a parish family is when we can help each other with some project or task that is needed. Here are a few photos from when we replaced the roof on an parishioner’s garage. One of our […]
Holy Week and Pascha 2012
Christ is Risen! In Truth He is Risen! Photos from our 2012 Holy Week Services and celebration of Our Lord’s Resurrection.

“As Holy Week Approaches” a guide to Orthodox Holy Week.
How beautiful; How deep; How rich in content, in scripture are the services assigned to Holy Week. Each of us needs to devote a significant portion of this week to immerse themselves in the meaning of the Cross. Sad indeed are we who overlook this final intense preparation to celebrate […]
Parish Trip to Venerate the Myrrh-streaming Icon of St. Nicholas, February 2012
St. Nicholas has always been a beloved and honoured saint to our parish; one who over the years has demonstrated his love for us through answered prayers for spiritual consolation, timely help in adversities, and true healings of bodily and spiritual illnesses. We are very grateful that he has attended […]
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