Spiritual Life and Christian Practices


The Chalice of Christ by Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninoff

An exhortation to “take the cup of salvation” with the understanding that “By many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God” and a humble, faithful disposition. Two of his beloved disciples asked the Lord for thrones of glory. He gave them His Chalice. Christ’s Chalice is suffering. For those […]


Paschal Sermon by Archbishop Averky (1976)

A sermon on the meaning of the truth of the Resurrection of Christ for the whole world, and for our lives as Christians. Christ is Risen! It is the Day of Resurrection, let us be radiant, O ye people; Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha: for from death to life, and from […]


How to Learn to Love the Lord by Bishop Theophan the Recluse

Blessed Bishop Theophan explains from the Holy Gospels and lives of saints what love for the Lord is, and how to acquire it.  An inspiring sermon from this revered teacher of Orthodoxy. Last week the Holy Myrrhbearers instructed us on love and today St. John the Theologian also instructs us […]


How Should We Conduct Ourselves in Relation to Other People?

by Metropolitan Gregory of St. Petersburg, 1904 Metropolitan Gregory explains how Christians should act towards others in the world, and how to live peacefully with others. The answer to this question is given by the Lord Himself: Love thy neighbor (Luke 10:27). The Lord Jesus Christ very categorically demands that […]


How to Live According to the Faith

by Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow The great archpastor of the Russian Church, Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow, describes how Christians should conduct their lives in this short catechitical essay. (+ November 19, 1867) Faith in Christ has existed on earth for almost 2,000 years now, and is in no way overcome. […]


Love: The Foundation of Existence in Our World

by Metropolitan Macarius A homily on the life-giving and unifying force of love, and a call to those lost in materialism to return to the love of Christ in the Church. Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. (II Cor. 9:15) Love, which rests in human hearts desires to […]


Letters of Elder Macarius of Optina

A collection of excerpts from the letters of Elder Macarius of Optina, filled with deep spiritual insight and sobering instructions to people in a wide variety of situations. St. Macarius of Optina Introduction Elder Macarius of Optina was canonized by the Russian Church Abroad in 1990, together with the other […]


The Vanity of Riches by St. John Chrysostom

In this sermon, given while a fugitive from the wrath of the emperor had taken refuge in the church, St. John reveals the way spiritual values transcend and overshadow all physical things, how Christianity renders riches worthless.  This is something we all need to hear and understand, us whose hearts […]


A Catechetical Homily of St. Theodore the Studite

catechesis 2:  On taking care for ourselves and fleeing sin’s destructive places and ways. [Given on the Sunday of the Paralytic] Brethren and fathers, after the feast the season invites us once again to talk with you and to return to the usual instruction. And we have come with enthusiasm […]


Fettered by Fear

by Priest Andrew Kencis “Of all of the innumerable temptations that we have to wade through on the path to salvation, there is one facet or “bonding agent” that is common to all of them.   It is precisely that which weakens our resolve and allows thoughts contrary to what we […]