Epistles from the GOC hierarchy

Third Video Message of Metropolitan Demetrius to the Faithful
Metropolitan Demetrius of America addresses the flock a third time encouraging them to pray in their homes if they are not able to get to church; and on prayers “for those who are absent with a reasonable cause.”

Teaching of the Holy Fathers On Illness ~ Father Seraphim Rose
Everyone, whether or not he is a Christian, must expect a certain amount of sickness and discomfort to enter his life. Physical pain is universal; no one escapes it. Therefore, how much we suffer from illness, or how intensely, does not matter so much as how we understand these infirmities.The […]

Every Christian Must Bear His Cross
EVERY CHRISTIAN MUST BEAR HIS CROSS St. Metropolitan Philaret Third First Hierarch of the ROCOR (†8/21 November, 1985) At today’s Divine Liturgy we heard that the Lord Jesus Christ said that a Christian must carry his cross: whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up […]

Choosing a Godparent
Occasionally we are asked to perform Baptisms for a child whose parents want a Non-Orthodox person to be their Godparent (sponsor). They want to Honour that person and express their closeness to them. However in the case of being a “Godparent” it is a deeper spiritual relationship that is being […]

Why is the genealogy of Our Saviour important?
Why is the genealogy of our Savior important? Why does the Gospel of St. Matthew list all of the names in our Savior’s genealogy, and why do we read it today on the Sunday before the Nativity of our Lord? The Hebrew people were anxiously awaiting the coming of the Messiah. […]

The Kiss of Judas ~ Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky
The Kiss of Judas Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky If one wishes to understand the most essential events of the earthly life of the Savior and the people who surrounded Him, in particular the events connected with His trial or with the taking of anyone into custody, it is indispensable to […]

Sermon of Metropolitan Demetrius delivered at the Saint Nicholas Mission, Las Vegas, NV Oct. 1, 2017
The weekend of Sept. 30 to Oct. 1 (n.s.), His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius travelled to Las Vegas, Nevada, to visit the St. Nicholas Mission and V. Rev. Archpriest Elias Warnke, the guardian of the Holy Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas. Hierodeacon Benedict accompanied His Eminence. The parish in Las Vegas […]

New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke
New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke by Father Alexey Young The following article is condensed from a lecture delivered at the St. Herman Summer Pilgrimage, August, 1982) On May 29, 1453, the troops of the Moslem leader, Mohammed II , took the great city of Constantinople. For more than 1000 years Orthodox […]

On the Second Coming of Christ ~ Ignatius Brianchaninov
The Son of man shall come in His glory ~ (Mt. 25:31) Beloved brethren! Not long ago, we beheld our Lord Jesus Christ born in the manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in the cradle, having taken upon Himself with His humanity all human weakness other than sin. Not long ago, […]

Sermon: On the Sunday of the Dread Judgement
ON THE SUNDAY OF THE DREAD JUDGMENT ~St. Philaret of New York The Gospel reading which we heard today during the Divine Liturgy begins with the words of the Lord “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the […]
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