Community & History
Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas Comes to Alberta, Canada
Miraculous and Holy Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas Comes to Alberta, Canada During the week of the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the ROCA parish of St. Vladimir in Edmonton, Alberta, was blessed to receive a visit from the Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Nicholas, brought […]
Parish life ~ Helping each other
One of the greatest pleasures of parish life… An expression of our bond as a parish family is when we can help each other with some project or task that is needed. Here are a few photos from when we replaced the roof on an parishioner’s garage. One of our […]
“As Holy Week Approaches” a guide to Orthodox Holy Week.
How beautiful; How deep; How rich in content, in scripture are the services assigned to Holy Week. Each of us needs to devote a significant portion of this week to immerse themselves in the meaning of the Cross. Sad indeed are we who overlook this final intense preparation to celebrate […]
Parish Trip to Venerate the Myrrh-streaming Icon of St. Nicholas, February 2012
St. Nicholas has always been a beloved and honoured saint to our parish; one who over the years has demonstrated his love for us through answered prayers for spiritual consolation, timely help in adversities, and true healings of bodily and spiritual illnesses. We are very grateful that he has attended […]
Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Agathangel First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
Russian version follows below Nativity Epistle Dear Fellow Archpastors, most honorable pastors, God-loving monastics and laypeople! Since ancient times, the lives of communities have been interwoven with various historical periods, rises and falls that have their beginnings, their everyday life and continuation. Some gather to form nations, confess various faiths, […]
How to Understand Our Church Calendar
The late Very Reverend Boris Molchanov (Rocor) composed this study of the development of the civil and Church calendars and of the Paschalion at the end of which study he demonstrates profoundly the indissoluble bond between the Julian Calendar and the Church Calendar. His tone unfortunately is a little biting […]
Saint Spyridon of Tremithus
Prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimythus Dec 12(o.s.) O most blessed hierarch Spyridon, thou great Saint of Christ and glorious wonder-worker! Standing in heaven before the throne of God with choirs of Angels, look down with a compassionate eye upon the people gathered here (names may be added) and asking thy […]
A Concerned Voice from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Under the Moscow Patriarchate (ROCOR/MP)
A Concerned Voice from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Under the Moscow Patriarchate (ROCOR/MP) From Monk Theophan of Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, N.Y. ……..October 2/15/, 2010 This letter is a concerned voice from a soul who has always belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCOR). In 2001, the Synod […]
We Consider it Impossible to Become a Part of the Moscow Patriarchate
WE CONSIDER IT IMPOSSIBLE TO BECOME A PART OF THE MOSCOW PATRIARCHATE By Metropolitan Agafangel (This article was first published in the journal «Трибуна русской мысли (Tribune of Russian Opinion)» no. 11, 2009.) The signing of the ‘Act of Canonical Communion’ between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad […]
The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles; mankind draws its first breath of the Spirit of God
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles was mankind’s first inspiration of breath from the Spirit of God. Remember Ezekiel’s prophecy about the valley full of human bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14). Remember how, by his word, bone joined to bone, how the bones were then covered with sinews, flesh […]
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