Orthodox Christianity & Theology
What is Secularism? by Father Michael Azkoul
Fr. Michael’s erudition and sharp insight into the folly of Western civilization takes convincing form in this lecture delivered in Ontario in 1978. Fr. Michael’s expose of secularism should be read as a critique of Western culture as established by the Western intellectual tradition. It is, essentially, an introductory Orthodox […]
To Those Seeking Their Mother
by Monk Zachary (Catacomb Church 1947) This article contains an old tale, of bandits who captured a boy and killed his mother, and attempted to subsitute the immoral partner of the bandit chief in her stead. Monk Zachary uses this story to explain the current situation of the church, and […]
Church in the End Times by Alexander Kalomiros
A excerpt from the book “Against False Union” by Alexander Kalomiros, containing a warning against ecumenism and an anticipation of the struggle for truth in the time of the apocalypse. The world and the devil are leading the Church to such frightening trials that the day might comewhen all the […]
Answering the B’nei Noach
Originally Published in “The Heavenly Abode” It is not uncommon for judaisers to post anti-Christian messages on Orthodox Newsgroups and Messageboards. Most of these posters are from a Judaised Gentile group called the B’nei Noach or Children of Noah. There is a missionary movement among some Jews to attract non-Jews […]
On the Causes of the Russian Catastrophe by Archbishop Averki
The real reasons the communists won. A great many different, more or less weighty and plausible, ideas have been and continue to be expressed on the causes of the terrible, bloody catastrophe which befell our motherland Russia in 1917. Usually and most frequently causes of an economic and political nature […]
On the Apostolic Work of Prince St. Vladimir by Archbishop Averki
About the importance of St. Vladimir’s accomplishment. Why is St. Vladimir eternally dear to us? Because he brought us into communion with faith in Christ and gave us, Russians, the true Church of Christ. What is this faith in Christ and true Church and what is its significance for us? […]
For There Must Also be Heresies Among You by Archbishop Averki
This article deals with the scriptural concept of heresy in the context of modern ecumenism and “world orthodoxy” How does one properly understand these words of the Holy Apostle Paul? Does he really approve of dissensions among Christians or recognize them as necessary or desirable? Is he making them the […]
What are the Goals of Ecumenism?
by Hiermonk Sava (of Serbia) This article speaks against the ambitions and motivations of the global Ecumenical movement. The fundamental goal and the primary task of the ecumenical movement is to re-interpret Christianity—or, in other words, to annihilate Orthodoxy completely. The dialogue between various Christian confessions—as, also, the dialogue between […]
2009 Paschal Epistle of Archbishop Andronik
“Thy resurrection, O Christ Savior, the Angels hymn in the heavens; Vouchsafe also us on earth with pure hearts to glorify Thee.” Stichera of the Radiant Resurrection of Christ Congratulations to you all, honorable fathers, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, with the radiant Resurrection of Christ! I greet […]
2008 Nativity Epistle
Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York Honorable prelates, dear pastors, brothers and sisters! The light fades and the darkness deepens – we draw near to the end of the Seventh Day. There is no clear or noticeable difference in the edifice of the […]
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