Spiritual Life and Christian Practices
On Spiritual Learning
Originally written by I.M. Kontzevich as an introduction to the letters of Elder Macarius of Optina, this essay on spiritual knowledge and learning explains the dangers of studying the works of the Holy Fathers for any other reason than for the love of Truth itself. At the basis of every […]
In Memory of the Royal Martyrs by St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco
St. John explains the great sacrifices of the Tsar and the Royal family for Russia, and the great sin incurred by the Russian people for the murder of their God-annointed sovereign. Sermon given by St. John during the memorial service for Tsar Nicholas II and those slain with him. […]
The Orthodox Doctrine of Causality by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich
The “Serbian Chrysostom” explains the Orthodox position on causes in this memorable lecture. A good outline of Bishop Nikolai’s thoroughly Orthodox worldview. ONE of the fundamental points of doctrine in which our Orthodox Faith differs from all the philosophical systems as well as from some non-Orthodox denominations is the […]
On Truth and Love in the Writings of St. John the Evangelist by Bishop Theophan the Recluse
Bishop Theophan explains how “St. John the Evangelist does not allow one to say: Believe any way you wish, only love” in a clarifying analysis of St. John’s theology of love and belief. This essay is especially relevant to the current debate on ecumenism. The Holy Apostle and Evangelist […]
The Ascension of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ by Archpriest P. Veletsky
A homily from St. Petersburg, 1874, filled with stirring insight into the spiritual meaning of our Lord’s ascension. What an exalted sight was presented by the ascent of our Lord Jesus Christ. There had been no such triumph since the beginning of the world. It started on earth and […]
Way of the Ascetics ~ Tito Colliander
Monastery of Meteora Introduction The “Way of the Ascetics” is an introduction to the narrow way that leads to life. It is a simple yet profound exposition of the spiritual life taught by the Orthodox Church for two thousand years. It is a portal to the vast […]
Indication of the Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven by St. Innocent Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of America
St. Innocent’s book “Indication of the Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven” was originally written in Aleut in 1833, as part of the missionary endeavours of St. Innocent in North America. Later, it was translated into Russian and was immensely popular, resulting in forty-six editions between 1839 and 1855. In […]
The Miraculous and Prophetic Vision of St. John of Kronstadt
A remarkable prophecy of the future persecutions of the Russian Church and the apocalyptic ascent of Antichrist. The Holy and Righteous John of Kronstadt recalled this vision which he hadin January of 1901: After evening prayers I laid down to rest a little in my dimly lit cell since I […]
Commentary On Apocalypse by St. Victorinus
An ecclesiastical writer who flourished about 270, and who suffered martyrdom probably in 303, under Diocletian. His commentary on Apocalypse is a sound, fundamental, exegesis for understanding this exceedingly symbolic book. He was bishop of the City of Pettau (Petabium, Poetovio), on the Drave, in Styria (Austria); hence his surname […]
An Appeal to Renounce Obstinacy and Schism by St. Clement of Rome
The words of St. Clement, who wrote to the disrupted Church of Corinth, can also be applied to the sad situation of the Orthodox Church, wherein many have risen up against their elders, living and departed, and tried to seize control of the Church and pervert it to their own […]
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