
An Explanation of the Services of Holy Week and Pascha
A Brief Explanation of the Services of Passion Week and Pascha Source: Bishop Alexander [Mileant] Holy and Great Monday THE WEEK OF OUR Savior’s Passion begins with Holy and Great Monday. The first three days of Holy Week recall Christ’s last teachings with His disciples. These teachings inspire […]

A Sermon for Forgiveness Sunday. ~ The Beginning of Great Lent
The Beginning of Great Lent Our Metropolitan Demetrius delivers a sermon for the beginning of the Great Fast

Choosing a Godparent
Occasionally we are asked to perform Baptisms for a child whose parents want a Non-Orthodox person to be their Godparent (sponsor). They want to Honour that person and express their closeness to them. However in the case of being a “Godparent” it is a deeper spiritual relationship that is being […]

Feast Day celebrations of Saint Vladimir’s Church in Edmonton
Thursday July 15/29 we gathered to celebrate the feast of our heavenly patron Equal to the Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, Enlightener of the Russian Lands. Visiting was Abbess Ambrosia from the Protection Convent in Bluffton, Alberta accompanied by one of the sisters. The weekday liturgy was served in English with many […]
Parish life ~ Helping each other
One of the greatest pleasures of parish life… An expression of our bond as a parish family is when we can help each other with some project or task that is needed. Here are a few photos from when we replaced the roof on an parishioner’s garage. One of our […]

“As Holy Week Approaches” a guide to Orthodox Holy Week.
How beautiful; How deep; How rich in content, in scripture are the services assigned to Holy Week. Each of us needs to devote a significant portion of this week to immerse themselves in the meaning of the Cross. Sad indeed are we who overlook this final intense preparation to celebrate […]

When we go to Church
by St. Innocent Irkutsk Orthodox Church Originally Printed in Orthodox America The effect of the Divine Liturgy is great. It is celebrated openly and visibly before the eyes of all the world , and yet it is full of mystery. If the worshipper follows every action reverently and diligently, his […]

Admonitions for Parents
By Holy Father John Chrysostom 1. Having children is a matter of nature; but raising them and educating them in the virtues is a matter of mind and will. [1] 2. By the duty of raising them I mean not only not allowing them to die of hunger, as people […]

Children and Prayer
Translated by Mary Mansur “May the following incident from the life of Abbot Theodosius of Optina, wherein a holy bishop instructs children on the subject of prayer, serve as an example and inspiration to Orthodox parents of the last times!” As Orthodox parents, our most basic task is to bring […]

The Emotional Development of Children and on Christian Hope
by Metropolitan Philaret The emotions of the human heart, and many other emotions, have a great significance for the Christian. For example,the elevated feelings of sympathy and antipathy, of mercy, compassion, etc., must be developed in the heart of the Orthodox Christian – if possible, from the very earliest years. […]
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