Epistles & Articles of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

Resolution of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Concerning the Election of Pimen (Isvekov) as Patriarch of Moscow
This resolution clearly defines the position of the Church Abroad towards the ecclessiastical body known as the Moscow Patriarchate. In this document, the Sobor denounces the election of Patriarch Pimen on behalf of the persecuted Russian Church, and cites canons that excommunicate both the illegally elected “patriarch” and all who […]

The Resolution of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, of 1/14 September 1971
This declaration clearly enunciates the ecclessiological position of the Church in Exile, rejecting the false self-proclaimed “patriarch” Sergius and proclaiming the sufferings of the Catacomb Church, here clearly identified as the “persecuted Russian Church” as opposed to the false official church, which is identified as the servant of Belial. The […]

A Letter From Metropolitan Philaret to Fr. Victor Potapov of the Church Abroad Concerning Father Dimitry Dudko and the Moscow Patriarchate
A letter addressing appropriate relations with the MP, and the ecclessiological position of the Church in Exile. Dear Father Victor, For a long time now I have been intending to write a few words to you, but somehow I haven’t managed to get around to it. But at last I […]

Declaration to Christians of the Free World
While the Moscow Patriarchate sat in stony silence in the face of an unprecedented persecution of Orthodox Christians and the use of cruel and unusual psychiatric tortures, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia issued an epistle appealing to the conscience of the world, and calling for prayers for the […]

A Letter from Metropolitan Philaret
The following is part one of a rather strong letter written by Metropolitan Philaret to Abbess Magdalena of Lesna. It is “strict ecclesiology” expressed most eloquently. A clear witness of the teachings of the Holy Church is evident. It should be noted that this letter was composed after the “Sorrowful […]

Epistle of Metropolitan Vitaly on the State of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
An epistle of the first hierarch from March 1998, clearly stating his views on world Orthodoxy, the Moscow Patriarch, and the ROCA. A must read in view of the current situation of our church. from St. Vladimir`s Russian Orthodox Information Center As archpastor of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, […]

The Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Vitaly
The epistle of Metropolitan Vitaly, the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Bishop of Montreal and All Canada, delivered on Pascha 2001. Remember, my dear ones, that as a bird is held up and flies through the air using two wings, so we can spiritually live and strive […]

An Epistle of Metropolitan Vitaly
This is an unofficial translation of the recent epistle of Metropolitan Vitaly. Message of His Eminence the Metropolitan Vitaly First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Venerable Archpastors! Beloved Fathers, brothers and sisters! It is with the aim of preserving peace and unity among us that I address myself […]
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