Author: frandrew

The Feast of Nativity ~ its Origins
You may have heard from unbelievers, and even certain “Christians” that the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, Christmas, has “pagan roots”, and thereby try to diminish its importance, its holiness and even its “Christianity”. Or some will say: “Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible.” This shows that they […]

I’m Drowning!
A sermon delivered by His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius on the 9th Sunday after Pentecost 2021 at Saint John of San Francisco Orthodox Monastery, Cobleskill, NY.

SYNODAL COMMUNIQUÉ CONCERNING THE PRESENT CRISIS OCCASIONED BY THE EPIDEMIC The Holy Synod of the Church of Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, under the presidency of His Beatitude, Archbishop Kallinikos of Athens, during its meeting on July 10/23, 2021, evaluated the situation created by the present epidemic and expressed its […]

On the Joy of Being Orthodox ~ St. John of Kronstadt
On the Joy of Being Orthodox ~St. John of Kronstadt “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” (Jn.1: 47) Our Lord Jesus Christ said this of a certain Nathanael, an Israelite who dwelt in the Galilean town of Cana, when the latter, on the advice of his friend […]

On Lies ~ Saint Philaret of New York
On Lies By St. Philaret of New York The Evangelist Luke tells of how the Lord Jesus Christ cast out a demon from a possessed person. Such accounts are found many times in the Gospel, but it is characteristic that the Lord Jesus Christ, when the evil spirits […]

The Resurrection of Christ Represents the Triumph of Faith and Eternal Life
About How the Resurrection of Christ Represents the Triumph of Faith and Eternal Life Christ is Risen! Brothers and sisters, today we continue to celebrate our Holy Pascha, so I would like to say a few words about how the Resurrection of Christ represents the triumph of faith […]

Paschal Message from Archbishop Kallinikos of Athens
CHURCH OF THE G.O.C. OF GREECE HOLY SYNOD KANINGOS 32 (3rd floor) 106 82 ATHENS TEL. 21038 28 280 – FAX 21038 47 365 ΕΛΛΑΣ – GREECE Athens, April 8/21, 2021 To Be Read in Church Protocol No. 3110 RESURRECTIONAL (PASCHAL) MESSAGE FOR 2021 […]

A Sermon for Forgiveness Sunday. ~ The Beginning of Great Lent
The Beginning of Great Lent Our Metropolitan Demetrius delivers a sermon for the beginning of the Great Fast

Interview With Metropolitan Demetrius on the relationship between prayer, stillness, and study.
Interview with His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius of America on the relationship between prayer, stillness, and study.
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